What Motivates Us to Share Our Travels

We are motivated as travelers to share our experiences for many reasons. Grand adventures make for great content (even the mishaps) in a travelogue. Our stories of exotic trips are unique and personal. Your friends and family can relate and enjoy your trekking tales. Even worldly travelers can learn from your experiences when they research future destinations. Just look at why travelers go to Trip Advisor.

Your travel experiences can be many things and can be certainly conveyed by using techniques and lessons on this site, to improve how you tell that story to others.

Some of us go on holidays to relax on the beach. Many go far and wide to discover and learn new things. There are those who like to visit old cities and those who like to tour the museums and art galleries. Others make it a sporting holiday, diving among the coral, climbing tall mountains, skiing powdered peaks or biking lonely scenic roads.  And some of us love shopping and touring markets.

All of these places and activities make for great content for a travelogue that you can easily make. Here we teach you how to “package” those thoughts and experiences cohesively so that your travelogue truly reflects the way it was on that great getaway. Your audience can experience the wonder and beauty of your travels. (and you now have a unique “diary” to look at years from now and reminisce)


Certainly one of the motivating reasons we all like to share experiences is to interact with others by telling them intriguing stories of our travels.

Some of those experiences make us laugh, others WOW us in amazement, some could be spiritual, other tales are thrilling, perhaps even risky and dangerous. Adding exotic, beautiful and creative visuals and editing properly, brings the audience closer to being there. And that is the goal for the “armchair traveler”.

We all have an ego and we all wish to be loved (and famous LOL) and when people enjoy our travelogues and experience a bit of what it was like on our travels, it’s personally fulfilling.

Be it perhaps a photo book, slideshow or travel video, there are so many great ways to share with others the joy and excitement of the traveling experience.  Lessons on this site will improve your odds that everyone will look forward to your next trip.

Can you think of some of the reasons you might want to share your travelogue?

Perhaps you are a good story-teller. Or your photography and videos are truly worth sharing. Personally, I like using all the editing tools for photos and videos  on my computer. Or does your creativity need an outlet and you have a vision of what the show could be? And hey, it’s also good reason to have a party!

Motivation is the engine that gets things done. (when you don’t get paid, LOL) And upon returning from a great trip, we are happy, relaxed and keen to tell the world all about it. Take this energy and make a travelogue, don’t waste it. We hope you can, with the help of this site, shine when the time comes to tell your tale on the big screen.

About Dan Roitner

I love traveling, and have been doing slideshows and video home movies of my trips for decades. As a pro photographer, instructor and multimedia artist I hope to teach you the many aspects to develop an artist style and improve the quality of your own travelogue projects.As the owner of this site, may the resources here, help you improve your skills to create holiday memories worth sharing.

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